diumenge, 10 de desembre del 2017

Dear Xavier,
Thanks Xavier for play 4 that you gave me I love it!

I love the horror game that you gave me since I finished it
and I loved it, although it scared me a bit.
I also loved the custom controls were the ones I wanted.

Thanks for everything it has been the best gift that they have give me.

I love you so much.


divendres, 8 de desembre del 2017

This summer I went to Cambrils with my cousins, my uncles and my grandparents and I had a great time!!!
We went to the beach with our friends from Mequinença called Denis and Valentin and in the afternoon we went with our friends from Cambrils Itxiar and Tania to play.
I had a great time this summer, I hope it will happen again.

dilluns, 15 de maig del 2017


I started school when I was two years old. My teacher's name was Mrs Irene. She was beautiful, with brown eyes and long, straight hair. She was very kind.

My first friend was Alex. He was taller than me because I very short.

In this photo I am with Oriol in my first excursion.

dilluns, 27 de març del 2017


Process: I put an egg and then the milk we mix it then we put the melted butter we re-mix it then we put three tablespoons of flour and two spoonfuls of cocoa powder we put it in the microwave two minutes and it is already.


Resultado de imagen de brownie a la taza

dimarts, 28 de febrer del 2017

THE CARS I like fast cars for example, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Audi… Because they are the best cars on the best cars on the world! I love fast cars! I don’t like slow cars such as seat, Dacia…and small cars, I’m crazy about fast and big cars. I love convertible cars because in the summer they are the best cars but in they are very cold. The only thing I hate about the luxary cars is the prize. I hate that they are so expensive.

diumenge, 1 de gener del 2017


Hello! My name is Josep and I'm 12 years old. I'm from Catalonia and I live in a town called Balaguer. I have one older brother and my birthay is in October. I would like and e-friend because I want to practise English with him. 

I get up evrey day at 7:00 a.m. Then I go to school and at 14:35 p.m I go home and I have lunch with my mother. In the afternoon I always do my homework and then I usually go out with my friends. I go t bed at 22:00 p.m. 

I love playing football. I like computer games too. I have an Xbox and I usually play football games. I also love going to my aunt's home.